The Top Reasons to Redesign Your Website

A website redesign is no small commitment. Your decision to embark on a site revamp should be backed by the right reasons.

Only then can you justify the time and financial investment you’ll pour into it. And only then can you be confident that the redesign will deliver a good return on investment.

If you’re considering redesigning your website and wondering whether it’s worth it, here are the top reasons to redesign your website.

Why You Should Give Your Website A Revamp

1. Your Website is Outdated

Did you take your business online eons ago and haven’t bothered to update the web design? Then your website is probably outdated and a redesign is long overdue. Having difficulties editing your website and adding new functionality is also a sign that your site and site builder tools are outdated.

The digital world is ever evolving. Your website has to keep up with the times in order to remain relevant and effective at marketing your brand and driving sales. A modern web design and a frequently updated website gives your business credibility.

2. Your Website Is Difficult to Use

One of the top reasons to redesign a site is to improve the user experience. If your site is offering a poor user experience, you can rest assured that you’re losing sales and need to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

UX isn’t just a matter of the look and feel. It doesn’t matter how pretty your site is if it’s too complicated to understated, difficult to navigate, and painfully slow to load.

You need to redesign your website to create a great user experience that delights your audience. Reviewing the user journey can help you determine what to fix it in order to improve conversion and sales.

3. You’re Getting Complaints Galore About Your Website

If your website badly needs a revamp, chances are that visitors and customers have noticed. And some of them will voice their frustrations by complaining about the experience they had on your site or reporting bugs they come across.

 If you’re receiving numerous complaints, the best way to respond is to give your site a new site that runs smoothly. In this case, the best way to handle the site redesign is to conduct a thorough site audit to identify what elements require improvement.

4. Your Current Website Isn’t Mobile Responsive

Today, more than half of all website visits come from mobile devices. In response, Google now prioritizes smartphone indexing and rewards mobile friendly websites. If your website doesn’t provide a seamless experience across all devices, you’re losing out on search engine ranking and user experience.

Does Google Search Console send you notices that your site has mobile usability issues? A website redesign is 100% justified and bound to return a substantial return on investment.   

5. Your Website Isn’t Consistent With Your Brand

In order to be effective, your website should be consistent with your brand. Your website’s elements such as logo, color scheme, content, and tone should be consistent with your brand elements.

If you’ve recently changed your branding, then your website is out of alignment with your brand. It’s time to redesign your website so it aligns with your brand and drives brand recognition and trust.

6. Your Current Website Loads Slowly  

A site’s loading speed is now more important than ever. If your web pages are taking more than three seconds to load, you’re losing at least 32% of potential visitors and your organic ranking position is suffering.

If optimizing the visual elements doesn’t improve the page speed, it might be necessary to redesign the website in order to correct foundational issues in the current web design.

7. The Site Isn’t Reaching and Serving the Right Users

Does your website receive good traffic but with dismal leads or sales? Could be that your site is attracting the wrong audience. Perhaps you’ve changed your product or service offerings or the current website is poorly targeted. A redesign can help you target the right prospects and position the website in a way that resonates with their needs and desires.

8. Your Business Has Pivoted

A change in the purpose of a business often necessitates a website redesign. If you’ve made a significant change to your product or service offerings, your current website might not be compatible with your new offering. A mere update might not suffice in this case. It might be necessary to redesign the website in order to present and market your new offerings to your new audience effectively.

Your website should also evolve right alongside your business and marketing objectives. If your website is no longer aligned with your current goals, it’s time to give it a new design that will help you accomplish your goals.

9. Your Website Isn’t Up to Par with Competitor Sites

Take a look at the top websites in your industry. Do they look better and provide a better experience than your website? Are they ranked higher than your site? Do they receive more traffic?

If you prefer the competitor websites to yours, then you can rest assured that your target audience also prefer the better designed sites. Take note of what the competitors are doing right and implement it in your own site redesign while also emphasizing your unique value proposition.

That’s A Wrap!

A well-designed website is one of the most effective marketing tools. It exists to market your offerings, drive sales, and build your brand. If you aren’t happy with the results your site is generating, it’s time to think about a redesign.

If some of the above reasons to redesign your website apply in your case, then redesigning your website will be beneficial to your brand perception and to the user experience. And you can rest assured it will improve sales and deliver a good return on investment.

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